Wednesday, May 18, 2011

If it doesn't fizz, SPIT IT OUT.

A hot topic in the drug world these days, and still on the rise: methamphetamine.  Methamphetamine, or meth, can ruin, change and potentially kill people.  Even trying this sucker-hole of a drug is too much.  The high or buzz people claim to get from this drug is like feeling energized, focused, more sexual prowess and overall confidence.  After the first time using this drug however, the amount that needs to be taken in order to get this feeling increases each time, leading to an easy addiction.  Ironically, after becoming addicted to meth you become less focused, energized, and sexually appealing.  Meth consists of everyday legal ingredients such as rat poison, brake fluid, cleaning fluids, battery acid and even diet aids.  When mixed together and cooked though, this can become a deadly, deadly substance.  Meth effects the dopamine in our brain.  At first it sends a splurge of dopamine to the body, causing us to feel pleasure and euphoria, but after time the dopamine receptors in the brain are destroyed, making it nearly impossible to feel pleasure.  When the feeling of the euphoria and pleasure first wears off, users have admitted to feeling depressed and self-conscious, with an automatic response to want to take more meth to feel how they once did.  Meth also makes the brain release large amounts of adrenaline when used, causing the user to "tweak." When tweaking on a meth binge, many users have been known to have obsessive behavior causing them to do things that they would never have done sober, such as dumpster diving, collecting random items in alleys and from the thrown-out items from stores.  These large levels also help to contribute to the after-effects of meth on users.  Most ex-meth users have been found to have violent behavior partly due to the uneven levels of adrenaline the brain had been exerting.  One of the other behaviors that have been found in heavy ex-meth users is psychotic behavior including; aggression, paranoia, delusions and hallucinations.  

To read more, go to this website:

A new form of meth is now known as "Strawberry Quick." Strawberry quick is a dark pink color much like the candy Pop Rocks and smells like strawberries.  Not only does this new form of meth come in strawberry, but also peanut butter, chocolate, grape, mango and countless other "flavors."  There is a rise in teens and pre-teens who are tricked into taking this form of meth thinking it is the harmless candy.  So a quick note to all, "If it doesn't fizz in your mouth... SPIT IT OUT!" Because it just might be crystal meth.  
Pop Rocks

Crystal Meth

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