Thursday, September 16, 2010

Heck no H2O!!! (just kidding..)

This week in class we read a very interesting article about the amount of water we intake, and if it sometimes may be too much.  Living in a dry climate, I'm used to feeling like i need to be drinking more than I am or do, but after reading this article it made me feel a little differently.  It said that if we drink too much, also known as water intoxication.  If too much water if put into your system at one point, the kidneys can't handle that kind of hydration. Multiple medical researchers advise to only put as much water into your system as you put out in sweat.  However, living in a dry climate, it's sometimes hard to see how much you sweat given it seems to evaporate off semi-quickly, so they also advise to drink your thirst.  By doing this, you don't deprive your body from water in any way, but at the same time you don't OVER hydrate... As an athletic person, I took this article to heart, and am now more conscious about my water intake.  Whether it be drinking more or less than I am used to, I feel like this article helped me be more self-conscious.


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