Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Organ Transplanting... Bias??

In class we had a long project on organ transplating, and whether or not our system is in need of changes.  After conducting sort of a play-organ-stransplant-debate, and hearing the variety of people in need of different organs is a very hot commodity it seems.  From teenagers that are left with one kidney becasue they donated one to a family member, to an elderly woman with eight grand kids, the choice is very hard for whoever has to make the tough decision of who gets what.  Speaking of which- who does get to make this decision? Who is the person that gets to decide who gets life, and who doesn't? What evidence do they base this decision off of? By doing this talk in class, it is now clear that unfortunately money and social rank do sometimes play a leading role in who gets organs sooner than others. For instance, between a young boy in Kansas who will soon die if not given a needed organ, and Oprah Winfrey who can live without it, but needs the same organ sooner than later, who do you think will get the selected organ?? Not hard to imagine... Another candidate to these organs is felons.  Although locked up, they are given the right to Health Care, just as any other person is.  Although these people will be locked up for most of if not the rest of their lives, they still get organs just as people who are out of jail do... what do you think of all of this??

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